
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Happy Teachers Day

In India Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th of September as an acknowledgment to the impact made by the teachers towards the community. Since 1962 the day commemorates the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakhrishnan, a great teacher and a staunch believer of education, known for his influence towards the education system of India.

According to Dr Radhakhrishnan, “teachers should be the best minds in the country”. The birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakhrishnan came to be celebrated as Teachers Day when some of his students requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday ‘5th September’. Dr. Radhakrishnan said, “instead of celebrating my birthday distinctly, it would be my proud pleasure if September 5 is observed as Teachers’ day”. Since then 5th September is observed as Teachers Day all over India.

Teachers convey knowledge and persuade the students in the right direction, educate them and create accountable citizens and good human beings. They are the cornerstone of our future. Celebrating Teachers Day is recognized by UNESCO and equally popular is several countries across the globe.

Let's talk about a teacher who is greatest among all. His followers includes largest chunk of world population. He is Lord Jesus Christ. Many limit him in the office of teacher-ship but He is more than that; He is Lord. 

Christ’s teaching was enlightening, reasonable, supported by Old Testament evidence, well-illustrated, recognized by divine power, unique, and exceptionally authoritative (Matthew 7:28).

Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, accepted that Jesus of Nazareth was “a teacher” from God, as documented by the “signs” which he did (John 3:2). A wealthy young leader approached the Lord asking, “Teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” (Matthew 19:16). Even Jesus’ rivals addressed him as “Teacher” (Matthew 22:16, 24), though their use of the expression was not always candid. Matthew tells us the crowds were so amazed at his teaching because “he taught as one having authority, not as the teachers of the law” (Matthew 7:29). The rabbis quoted each other, but Jesus spoke the true and authoritative words of God. The noun (teacher) and verb (teach) combined are used of Jesus some ninety times. The Jesus is addressed as “Teacher” twenty-nine times in the Gospels.

Great men of India like M.K. Gandhi, Ram Mohan Roy, Ramakrishna and many other placed Jesus among great teachers. We know that He is the greatest teacher ever. We know that His teachings are the greatest teachings that have ever been given to mankind.

Even the skeptical philosopher Ernest Renan (1823-92), who opposed Christian belief on almost all points, stated: “Jesus will ever be the creator of the pure spirit of religion; the Sermon on the Mount will never be surpassed”

Scottish theologian James Stuart said, “The teaching of Jesus has had a power and an effect with which the influence of no other teacher can even for a moment be compared.”

Jesus' words throb with wisdom. For an instance, His concept about government and tax: "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21). The concept of God and worship: "Those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). The Sermon on the Mount: "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you" (Matthew 5:44). The greatest commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind ... Love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 22:37-40).

LUKE 6:40 AMP40 A student is not superior to his teacher; but everyone, after he has been completely trained, will be like his teacher.

Adam Clarke Commentary on this verse;

Every one that is perfect - Or, thoroughly instructed, κατηρτισμενος : - from καταρτιζω, to adjust, adapt, knit together, restore, or put in joint. The noun is used by the Greek medical writers to signify the reducing a luxated or disjointed limb. It sometimes signifies to repair or mend, and in this sense it is applied to broken nets, Matthew 4:21; Mark 1:19; but in this place, and in Hebrews 13:21; 2 Timothy 3:17, it means complete instruction and information. Every one who is thoroughly instructed in Divine things, who has his heart united to God, whose disordered tempers and passions are purified and restored to harmony and order; every one who has in him the mind that was in Christ, though he cannot be above, yet will be as, his teacher - holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners.

This is a fact: men do develop up into the likeness of what they appreciate. Great philosophers, men of science, divines, soldiers, statesmen; these are taken as role models, and each one has fashioned the lives of many others. It is not always a conscious imitation. Mere relationship shapes us. A man can be known by his acquaintances. If he is not like them he soon will be. They are his teachers in some degree, and he will be like them. We should take care, then, whom we emulate.

Dr. Matthew K. Thomas gave a speech for all who want to become or are in the ministry of teaching. Below in the image is the message for all the teachers;

Yes !!! We are to become exhibition of His power, Extension of His life and Expression of His love.

It’s important to understand that Jesus taught his disciples, unlike many modern teachers, impartially. His unique teachings were with authority and kindness, reproof and love, of life and death, ethics and spirituality, religion and society, law and grace, to rich and beggar, to old and child, to man and woman, to priest and gentile combined, And He said that we, his students, can be like Him if we get properly trained (perfected). So as students we must understand that we are in the process of learning; unending learning. And one day we shall be like Him.

In order to become a good and influential teacher or a student let's follow the nuggets mentioned in the image at the top. 


The World Says
Jesus Christ Says
Bible Verse
If someone does something to make you angry, it is okay to respond by telling him off.
Being angry and calling someone names can land you in hell.
It is okay to look at a good looking woman when you are married as long as you don't act upon your desires.
Looking with lust at a woman makes you guilty of adultery.
Divorce is okay if you are not compatible with your spouse.
Divorce (except in the case of adultery) makes you and your spouse guilty of adultery.
If circumstances beyond your control prevent you from carrying out your vows, it is okay.
Do not make vows at all, but do as you say.
You shouldn't let people take advantage of you.
Do not resist evil, but return good for evil.
It is okay to hate people who are enemies to you.
You are to love all people and pray for those who hate you.
It is okay to get your name on a hospital wing or other worthy cause when you donate money.
Give in secret, so that nobody knows what you have done.
Praying in public is a good way to witness.
Pray in secret to God with sincerity.
If people do evil things to you, it is okay to get even.
Forgive all who sin against you.
Eat, drink and be merry! "He who dies with the most things wins."
Do not accumulate things just because you have extra money. Use your resources for eternal purposes.
Always try to get rich. Money will make you happy.
A person cannot serve God and money at the same time. Make choices that have eternal impact.
Shop 'till you drop. She who has the most clothes wins.
Do not worry about your clothing or your food, but trust in God for your needs.
If you are worried, take a little pill and relax.
Don't worry about tomorrow. There is enough to do today.
Did you read about the latest gossip about that movie star?
Do not judge others. Examine your own behavior.