
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Showing posts with label The Stranger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Stranger. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 May 2017


In Luke 24:13-35, On this same day, two disheartened people, probably Jesus' disciples, were walking along the road that led to the town of Emmaus, about 7 or 8 miles north-west of Jerusalem. They were joined by a stranger and began to talk about Jesus Christ. Below is the imaginary talk between seemingly stranger Jesus Christ and two disciples. 

The Stranger: 

What manner of a talk that you two seems so seriously engaged in?? What has saddened your countenance???

Two Disciples: 
Are you a stranger in Jerusalem?? And has got  no clue of the recent happenings? 

The stranger: 
What things are you referring to? 

Two Disciples: 
It’s about Jesus of Nazareth!!! What else???

The stranger: What's of Him? 

Two Disciples: 

"He was a god-man with power unmatched; 
A doer of the deeds unseen, 
Spoke with authority unparalleled; 
Remained nameless in any sin, 
Sat with the sinners and dined with the defamed; Forgave the fallen and fought for the blamed, 
Was condemned for no reason; 
Gave no one any pain,
Was only an innocent; 
Caused imposters severe migraine, 
His huge followings threatened Pharisee, 
Purity in life and words distressed traditional Sadducee, 
He used to spent time with dejected and loved sinners equally, 
But they caught him, flogged him and nailed him on the cross badly"

That’s how His story ends!!! Said two disciples.  

The stranger: 
That sounds sad, what were His teachings though???

Two Disciples: 

His teachings were simple as that of children; 
yet confused the fanatics of law,
Made grace available to all; gave to an arrow of finite life,
 an eternal bow

The Stranger: 
What else you know??

Two Disciples: 

Folks entreating kingdom will only be a few; 
believing in Christ brings life anew, 

Man can do nothing for himself to save a life;
 doomed to death, 
The easy way God had planned is a childlike faith 

Two Disciples: 
But we don’t understand one thing.

The Stranger: what’s that?

Two Disciples: 
Why was law given then, if grace was to be showered??

The Stranger: 

Law of ages remained our tutor; 
until Messiah appeared and transformed our future,

Law failed you and still to mass;
 until you see it in the light of the Cross,

Obeyed God Abraham became everyone’s father 
but by faith not the law, 
Until this you failed in fulfilling law; now, as  Abraham follow faith not the law, 

Blood of animals on alter; foreshadowed God's Lamb, 
That Lamb is Messiah; behold taketh away your blame 

Two Disciples: 
How can one man save whole humanity??? 

The Stranger: 

Remember how sin entered humanity; 
it just took one man, 
As Jesus died at the cross; 
was again only one man

Two Disciples: 
Why He had to die though??

“Now you listen let me speak”, said the stranger. 

The Stranger: 

Bible states, Romans 3:23 “death is the wages of sin”,
At Eden God said, ‘you will die if you eat the fruit; 
because that will be a sin

Two Disciples: 
But Adam didn’t die then???

The Stranger: 

Disobedience brought the second death, eternal; 
whole humanity became dead, 
Jesus ushered a birth, spiritual; 
death lost string for Christ himself, was once dead 

Two Disciples: 
He supposed to be our Messiah and deliver us from this present political rule. 

The Stranger: 

So did Moses, David and people of the Old,
That’s how you can only defeat human; 
not ancient serpent lies neck-rolled,

Problem is not defeat in war; Rome, Greece 
which is socio-political, 
But disobedience in heart, sinful nature; 
which is but spiritual,

Thus, He was tortured for our transgressions; 
injured for our iniquities,
Discomforted for our peace; 
deformed for our ease 

Two Disciples: 
You mean Christ was supposed to die. 

The Stranger: 

How you dare forget what prophets said about Christ, 
That He would suffer for His people;
 with life He will pay the price  

Two Disciples: 
Why God made way to heaven too narrow though?

The Stranger: 

At start, door to heaven was wide as many trees to eat from; and only one to get aside so the hell was narrow, 
After sin it’s man who widened the hellish door; 
thus made heavenly too narrow 

Two Disciples: 
How and why sin?? Couldn’t God stop it?

The Stranger: 

When God created the world it was sinless and perfect,
There wasn't a lie, murder or theft,

Free-will gave freedom to obey; 
and the potential to disobedience, 
Man followed lust;
thus sold Satan his own significance 

Two Disciples: 
Why didn’t God create a world where there was no possibility of sin at all???

The Stranger: 

God wasn't interested in manufacturing a robot; 
but creating a man, 
Always free to love God; 
and walk in divine terrain

Plan of God was simple; 
just wanted to build a friendly relation, 
That man would freely worship and adore Him; 
enjoy and care His creation 

Man rather loved to shake crafty’s hand,
and brought a great curse to himself and the land
In Satan's hand, willingly man played a robot; 
trusted a lie, lost forever heavenly abode 

Two Disciples: 
But why God tested Man???

The Stranger: 
Reason for creation was relation; 
that man would love God 
with same passion,
Test of this relation was a simple examination; 
to which Man fell, 
earned eternal condemnation

Two Disciples: 
But why only death!!! Why not anything less???

The Stranger: 

God isn’t an unjust; to be appeased by anything 
less than set compensation,
In love He had to send His only Son; 
who became a cause of human liberation 

Two Disciples: 
How can we say that sin really exists in this world? 

The Stranger: 

The heart of man is corrupt and unsteady; 
he is liar, lusty and greedy, 
For erring with thoughts, lips, hands he is ever ready
Despite all promising leaders of our day; 
gravity of sin is visible in every human malady, 
Every failed human agency proved the problem is spiritual; 
and Christ is the remedy 

Two Disciples: 
While Jesus was on this earth why didn’t he send disaster on sinners??? 

“Didn't you sin?” said the stranger.

“Yeah we do” Eyes down disciples replied.

The Stranger: 

Don’t you dare forgetting the time of Noah only a few spared, 
Sinful humanity buried under Holy wrath; 
news of righteousness never heard
Great was the sin of man; only solution to 
this infection was total destruction, 
After flood, gory scene of own creation; 
broke the tender heart of God in exasperation,
God marked rain with rainbow, 
promising not to repeat such obliteration

Two Disciples: 
So if God hates sin we are gone forever. We can't get rid of this sin of our own!!!

The Stranger: 

Don't worry God has a plan for remission of sin, 
This was the promise made to Adam and Eve in the 
Eden garden’s inn 

“Seems good solution”, replied Disciples.

“Tell me what God promised to Abraham??” asked the Stranger.

Two Disciples: 
God said to Abraham I'll make your children like the sand of sea and will give a land to inherit.  

You missed the point!!! Yelled stranger. 
God also said that through you whole nations of the earth shall be blessed. How will that be possible???

“Yeah” said disciples.

The Stranger: 

This is feasible only through Christ by the means of forgiveness of sin and salvation; 
the greatest blessing in God’s creation.  

Two Disciples: 
So why Christ didn’t save us like Moses saved Israelites?? 

The Stranger: 
Moses fought with human enemy not spiritual.   

What was the last plague on Egyptian???

Two Disciples: 
Killing of the first born, what else? Yeah!!! We celebrate every year this festival, namely, Passover Lamb. We know it well. 

The Stranger: 
Yeah right!! How did Israelites save their first born? 

Two Disciples: 
By applying blood of the lamb on their doorpost.

The Stranger: 
Exactly!!! This is how God was showing that He will ultimately protect everyone through blameless Lamb's blood and Jesus became that Passover lamb.  

Two Disciples: 
Yeah we remember Jesus Christ symbolically said in the last supper that my body is the bread and my blood is wine. 

The Stranger: 

Two Disciples: 
But how can someone get saved from Jesus's death?? Because our prophets told us that through law we are justified. 

The Stranger: 
Do you follow all the commandments??

Two Disciples: Yeah we do!!!

The Stranger: 
Did you ever err?? Even in your thought?

Two Disciples: 
We have always lived a good life did good to others. 

The Stranger: 
But you can't save yourself from good deeds though. Can you? Good deeds are filthy rags before God;
“Who can ascend to the hills of God he that hath clean hands and pure heart”

Two Disciples: 
So why was law given then? 

The Stranger: 

Law was to show your unworthiness; 
that you can’t save yourself 
of this wretchedness,
Until Christ appeared law was your tutor;
Christ came and transformed your future

Two Disciples: 
But why can’t anyone of us die as a sacrifice for our sin? 

The Stranger: 

God needed an innocent lamb; 
not bloodied hand,
Who would mediate man to God; 
bring light in the darkened land

God knew this demand will one day be; 
before creation He could see,
No man was ever been, nor will ever be; 
the model Christ set for all to see 

Two Disciples: 
But people were thinking that Christ would be like a king as David. 

The Stranger: 
Rising from the dead was a spiritual victory over power of the darkness which was no way possible by worldly kingship. 

What of a worldly king? 

Even David sinned; needed Christ to be redeemed,
And God forgave him; 
for He knew in Christ 
David will be cleaned 

Two Disciples: 
Then why after resurrection Jesus didn’t show Himself to all?? 

The Stranger: 

Seeing Jesus resurrected; many would follow Him obviously, 
But it wouldn’t be a faith walk; 
neither will take repentance seriously, 
Jesus raised the dead, healed the lame; 
and did miracles unceasingly, 
Yet their heart remained hardened; 
mind, unbelieving thoroughly,   
Jesus said to doubting Thomas clearly; 
blessed are those that didn’t see me 
yet follow faithfully  

Two Disciples: 
But where did He go leaving us behind???

The Stranger: 

He ascended high; 
whence He once descended, 
Preparing a place for his bride; 
with gems, silver and gold unblended, 
A place that is serene, solace; 
all corruption and sin amended,  
A place where your weeping, 
agony and prayers wouldn’t go unattended

Two Disciples: 
How could God do so much without a hint???

The Stranger: 

You fools!!!

You said correctly. Everything was written before through prophet Isaiah that, “A child will be born and a son will be given. Who will die for the sin of His people” Over 25 OT messianic prophecies that Jesus Christ precisely fulfilled.

Two Disciples: 
If what you say is true, then, Jesus said, ‘on third day I would rise up from dead” Where’s He??? 

And who you are???

The Stranger: Saying nothing to them; 
He took the bread and lifted up to the sky, thanking God broke and gave it them.

Immediately disciples fell on their knees and their eyes were stretched wide opened for they now realised this stranger is none another than the risen LORD!!!!  

God Bless !!!

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