Dr. Matthew K. Thomas, the president and the principal of CITS and the senior Pastor
of PCG Itarsi, enjoying the Godly legacy of Late Dr. Kurian Thomas and
following his Godly footsteps has successfully completed his 25 years of ministry
in Lord’s vineyard it seems as an auspicious moment that provides us an apt
context to discuss a few thoughts about the making of a legacy from a Biblical perspective.
a legacy is an important part of our life. A legacy is developed out of a life
dedicated to self-reflection and purpose. Interestingly enough, the fact of the
matter is that every one of us is going to leave a legacy regardless of our
choice, however, choosing what to leave holds a key significance. What kind of
legacy you will leave? Will it be long-lasting? How will you create a desired
legacy? Will it be imperishable and eternal? Or will you leave behind only
tangible items; buildings, money and properties?
legacy isn't only about leaving what you earned but also what you learned.
apostle Paul inculcated an important lesson in the heart of his spiritual son, Timothy,
then, pastor at the church at Ephesus, to invest his life in faithful men who
would became a catalyst to pass on the Truth of God to the next generation.
present, current ungodly world views persistently make all imaginable attempts
to annihilate embryonic faith of our children and escort them into politically
correct ideology and gross immorality that would have stunned preceding
generations. This is what, as stark reality, confronts and terrifies many of us
in our local churches. And why not? It should, only then we would hasten to
find a way out this predicament. At the as such this what our upcoming
generation needs is ‘the one who leaves a LEGACY behind for onlookers to
follow’. With the Biblical understanding, in this article, we shall look at the
idea of legacy acronymically bound within the biblical principles.
of the best ways for a Christians who seem to be interested in building a
strong and lasting legacy is to love the Lord with all their heart, soul and
might. And that’s how it will leave behind an everlasting imprint on children
and they would remember the Godly path their parents have walked and will not
depart from it when they grow old, in result, they will not only live your
legacy but leave a legacy behind for others to follow.
thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall
be in thine heart. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and
shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by
the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. (KJV)
must first love God and His word without any falter. Arguably, many doubt and contend
that Loving God, seen as the great commandment, is NT concept and was absent in
the OT, however, aforementioned passage from OT debunks such notion. This tells
us that God, as demonstrated by Jesus’ embodiment and teachings, is supremely Loving
right from the beginning of the time, therefore, demands the same love from His
creation. Love is something that caused Father to sacrifice His only begotten
Son; it caused Jesus to bestow His life as a ransom for many; caused disciples
to preach the unchurched at the expense of their own lives. Love is something that
develops over a period of time, it is a gradual process. As one gets immersed in
the depth of God’s Word, worship and prayer, the person begins to priorities
God over every other aspects of life. Interestingly, its love that can and will
genuinely motivate us to work for God selflessly, in turn, help us build and leave
a lasting Godly legacy. There can’t be making of any legacy without the Love
for the Lord.
pivotal point when we discuss about legacy is the idea of largeness. People
usually don’t remember the one who comes second but to the one who is first.
Similarly for anyone attempting to leave a long lasting legacy must endeavor to
enlarge his/her territory. Though be it business or mission, the vastness of
its field is heavily matters. Hopefully, we may very well remember the classic parable
of Jesus about the Talents; master, who represents God here, doesn’t only affirm
and appreciate the hard work of his servant who multiplied the talents but also
allocates more goods under his stewardship for more profit.
master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over
a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Share your master's
one likes a lazy person neither anyone wants to remember such a one after
his/her death for any good reason, therefore, what this master did to this lazy
servant we all can support. On the other hand, we know and listen it in every conventional
interpretation of this parable that greatly highlights the imperishable legacy
this servant has left behind for us to follow by just enlarging his territory set
by his master. God, our good master, has not left you empty handed. He must have
entrusted you with very little (one talent) or much (five talents) but if you
are industrious enough to move forward for painstaking efforts and enhance it
manifold, undoubtedly, God is going to entrust you with abundance. Thus, the
key here is to enlarge/enhance whatever is in your court. This, in turn, will
adorn you with a legacy that will outlive your existence.
of the essential things that this present generation desperately needs is a good
leadership or a role model to imitate. And doing this, with all selflessness,
will not only help them make critical decisions of their lives but it will also
help you, as a guide, leave a strong legacy in the pages of history. We see
Paul, in the Bible, guiding and instructing his spiritual son Timothy. Timothy,
then, was a youth and was pastoring a church at Ephesus, a city in Asia Minor.
Timothy 4:12Let
no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in
conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. (KJV)
above passage is a classing quote frequently used in counselling and preaching
youngsters. And many such guidance, that he gives every then and now throughout
the letters to Timothy, makes Paul a true spiritual father to Timothy. On the
flip side, people, sometimes, don’t need your words for the guidance they
inevitably follow your example. And this is more emphatic than hours of
counselling put together. That’s why Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that “your
action speaks so loud that I can’t hear what you say”. Therefore, this is one
of the key reasons our churches are losing this generation; We have more schedules
less encounters; more emotionalism less enrichment; more teaching less
transformation; more messages to listen less models to follow. Paul could say,
years before, “imitate me as I imitate Christ”. What makes Jesus great among
non-Christians, even among the ones who accept Him merely as a teacher, He
practiced what He preached. For anyone to leave a sturdy and enduring legacy; besides
guiding the wayward with words guide them through life by becoming a role model.
all possible efforts to live and leave a legacy one must espouse the power of
prayer throughout the process. In Christendom we can go on listing the names of
the great men/women with godly fame and legacy achieved great things for God in
the mission field, however, never undermined the place of prayer but affirmed
it even more.
Chronicles 4:10And
Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me
indeed, and enlarge my border, and that thy hand might be with me, and that
thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it be not to my sorrow! And God granted
him that which he requested. (ASV)
we see that Jabez was a prayerful man, he prayed for everything he needed and
further we read about him that “he was more honorable among his brethren” (v.
9). It’s quite easy for anyone to conclude that Jabez live and also left behind
a Godly and long lasting legacy.
on whose legacy Christianity stands, secluded himself for this purpose. Amidst
the enormous amount of ministerial opportunities, where crowd was thronging
upon Jesus every then and now, He found His way out for the personal time with
Father. Despite Jesus having pre-knowledge of His coming mission, achievements
and legacy in His sovereign omniscience, He choose to pray about it and humbled
Himself before God in prayer.
for anything, small or big, personal or public, under your power or outside of
your power humbly present it before God in prayer. Only God can help you build
a lasting legacy.
is the key to any success in any field. No work/mission is small or big but all
it requires to flourish is commitment. Commitment is a trait of sincere and
steadfast fixity of purpose. Legacy is always seen as something that is related
to a noble work that has helped/emancipated the society or an individual.
Despite being highly successful, so many people live a self-centeredness life
and their success doesn’t help people around them. Though they also leave a
legacy but that is monetary, entrepreneurial or limited within own empire and is
not something that society can boast about. However, Bible talks about a noble
cause that we need to look at:
“Pure and undefiled religion before our God the Father is this: to look after
orphans and widows in their distress...” (HCSB)
boast about their religious belief by confining themselves within the cultic
religious practices, however, Bible contradicts and shocks such self-centered
religious folks by portraying a concrete picture of a true religion.
Christianity, as a religion, functions beyond the ecclesiastical walls
constructed by dogmas and self-righteousness. In order to establish a legacy
which will be celebrated and remembered by masses one needs to commit
himself/herself for a noble cause that will benefit not just an individual but society
as a whole. In Matthew 9:36 we read: "And seeing the multitudes. Jesus
felt compassion for them. Pandita Ramabai, committed herself for the
emancipation of downtrodden women of India, left behind a long lasting legacy which
will be celebrated for the centuries and hardly ever be disremembered. Similar
is the case of John Wesley. A book written on him entitled, “England: Before
and after Wesley”. We can go on talking about William Carey and many more who
sacrificed their life and left an immortal legacy that is remembered not for
any personal achievement but for a noble cause. We need to leave a legacy by
being committed for doing something about our world. Many Christians today are
walking in the middle of the road; they're so focused on what other people
think that they are unwilling to take any risks in order to make an impact for
Christ. In the light of this, Jamie Buckingham wrote, "The problem with
Christians today is that no one wants to kill them anymore." Stand and
commit yourself for a noble cause legacy will follow you inevitably.
idea of leaving a legacy is the need or the desire to be remembered for what
you have contributed to the world.
is where the idea of legacy, between godly and worldly, comes in stark contrast.
Undoubtedly, without having to be worried about any legacy making, we need to
work hard and put every possible efforts we can for the expansion of the
kingdom of God but if we espouse to the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit any
task becomes pretty much opportune. Instead trying everything and later failing
it’s better to yield to the Holy Spirit and let it guide you to do what is God-destined
purpose for your life. When one tries to engage in kingdom-affairs without the
guidance from above he/she is bound to struggle and eventually give up. Carnal men
depends on their own abilities and boast in their aptitude for any human achievement.
Jesus assured his disciples about the giving of the Holy Spirit for the power and
guidance as they go about fulfilling God’s purpose for their life. So there
can’t be a formation of a godly legacy without the power and the guidance of
the Holy Spirit.
church was seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He [Holy Spirit] said, “set
apart Barnabas and Saul for the task to which I have called them”.
verse very well sums up the demand of yielding to the person of the Holy Spirit
that opens up an opportunity for God to move in our lives. Many Charismatic
Christian groups greatly undermine the Holy Spirit by seeing him as a power,
influence or fire, however, the Biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit strongly teaches
us that Holy Spirit is a Person; the third person of Trinity.
Holy Spirit to give you a sense of purpose, direction, and mission. In fact,
true vision, direction, and destiny can come only from the One who controls not
only the present but also the future. By discovering your eternal destiny, you
will begin to build lasting legacy in your life.
for most mere mortals walking this earth, most will leave a more modest legacy
that doesn’t necessarily change the world at large but does leave a lasting
legacy which will be cherished by those whose lives you have touched and Dr.
Matthew K. Thomas is an ideal example of that. The challenge before us is the
same for all of us. Will we follow Christ and fulfill His call and vision for
our lives without being overtly concern about our legacy?