
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Ten Commandments of blogging

On the mountain long ago Moses received God's law. I haven't been up to a mountain or anything, but I thought I'd use this pattern to make some points about blogging (and micro-blogging, too, if you're in to social media like Twitter).

So here you go with the Ten Commandments of blogging...

1. Thou shalt offer fresh and personal content and perspective with thy blog that you and only you can produce.

2. Thou shalt carve with lexis that common folk can twig (translation: You will write using words that real people can understand).

3. Thou shalt not tear someone else down with thy blog. If you have an issue with that person, go to them to work it out.

4. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor with thy blog.

5. Thou shalt not pluck quotes from thy neighbor's blog without giving him credit.

6. Thou shalt not steal content from thy neighbor's blog and portray it as thine own.

7. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's blog, but will be happy with thine own.

8. Thou shalt not spend more time blogging, reading blogs and/or commenting on blogs (let alone with any other type of social media) than with thy wife, kids and pet.

9. Thou shalt take time for rest and relaxation from blogging at consistent intervals. Go outside and smell the roses.

10. Thou shalt not make an idol out of blogging. Thy life consists of much more than that.