
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Showing posts with label Parable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parable. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Three Lessons From The Parable of Talents

मत्ती 25:14-30 क्योंकि यह उस मनुष्य की सी दशा है जिस ने परदेश को जाते समय अपने दासों को बुलाकर, अपनी संपत्ति उन को सौंप दी...!!!
Matthew 25: 14-30 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods...!!!

The one simplest and profound definition of a parable could be, "Earthly story with heavenly meaning". Jesus Himself narrated this parable to His disciples which is very well sandwiched between end time signs and coming judgement seat of Christ. There are many lessons that Jesus wanted to communicate through this parable but we would look at three of those lessons. Reliance, Responsibility and Reward.

1. Reliance:

At the outset we see a deep reliance of the master on his servants. In present world nobody would give so much of money, even little money to servants. One might give to relatives but not to servants. But here this master relied on his servants.


Now question comes for what He relied on them. This master represents God in the greater meaning of the story. It requires faith on someone to handover something. God has given various kinds of talents to every believer in Christ. This talents could be interpreted diversely. One literal meaning could be; one talent was equal to 6000 dinaries. A daily wager had to work for 20+ years to earn one talent. Other see a talent as a measure of weight. So one talent of gold would, of course, be expensive than a talent of bronze. That's a lot of money. Other interpret talent as anything that God had given you under your stewardship; ministry, spiritual gifts, money, resources, job, family, health or anything else. Other see it as an opportunity; God gives you opportunity based on your ability. Whatever this talent be let's not argue about it. Let's understand that anything you possess is not your's but God and you have got to be a steward over all. 1 Peter 4:10, Romans 12:6
Psalmist could have never imagined this when he says, "what is many you be mindful of him?" We are co-workers with Christ. God has relied on us for a greater purpose not because He can't accomplish it alone but wanna share the joy of fellowship (enter master's happiness) and the privilege of saving souls with us. Paul says Christ counted me faithful and entrusted me this ministry 1 Timothy 1:12.


Second question how much has He entrusted each one of us. This is the most important question of this morning. We see in the parable that master doesn't give equal talents to all. And may have heard preachings before that you all are equal, Abraham Lincoln famously said, "All men are equal". But ironically it's not true. Many of you may say that it's partiality but Bible says God is not partial. Bible says God is not partial in terms of His grace and mercy for man's salvation and natural resources. And there is nothing wrong or unjust about it. Diversity is the beauty of God. A master artist will not make replicas of what he has already made, his every art will be unique and masterpiece in itself. 
Pablo Picasso's painting green leaves and bust 104 million dollars around 7 Arabs in Indian rupees. None of your finger print, eye print, tongue print matches anybody else in this world. Similarly, your natural aptitude, potential, talents, gifts and thinking patters differs from each other's. 
That's also the beauty of trinity; different yet one. And Paul takes a whole chapter to explain the same in Ephesians; different organs of same body of Christ. So one member to meet one specific purpose needs five talents but other to meet another specific purpose needs one talents. It's about purpose with which we are created and distributed with talents.

2. Responsibility:

With every reliance comes responsibility. With every relationship comes requirements. With every authority comes accountability. With every opportunity comes obligation. And many fail to realise this and don't take further step.

Below are a few causes for this:

A. Self doubt: I'm not qualified so I can't do it. A good number of us go through this feeling of insignificance and unworthiness. And same is in the Bible with great leaders.

B. Self pity: I failed in the past do better not to try. We have got to learn from our past. But when stops to take another step in a new attempt it is fatal. How many times Peter failed Jesus and same with David also. Father was videoing her daughter who was climbing on a horse, it took her 16 times to get at the back of that horse but during all these attempt father didn't go to help.

C. Self consciousness: what would other think? Most of us are not growing because we have become over conscious about other's thinking. People will
Mock me. Illustration: Father, son and donkey. Season and time changes so do the people. The one who has neglected you today will invite you tomorrow.

3. Reward:

Reward is something that drives us for the challenge or work. In games it's reward that athlete runs for. 1 Corinthians 9:24 Paul says only one receives the price. But interestingly enough, here all will receive reward.

It's threefold;

Affirmation: well done 
Promotion: you were faithful in little now 
Celebration: enter into Master's happiness

But let's not forget the punishment: its eternal darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth that equals hell. 
Many believers and minister think not doing what God has told us, will just not let us qualify for reward but it's misconception. 
Warning: The consequence of not using our talents is not just the loss reward but eternal damnation. 
Sin of omission is equal to the sin of commission. James 4:17

So let's be committed to become faithful servants of our master by fruitfully using whatever He has entrusted us for His glory.

God bless !!!!

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