Desensitization, in general, refers to lessened/no emotional response to aversive stimuli.
A recent study performed by the University of Michigan discovered that college students are 40 percent less empathetic than the students thirty years ago. And this to me is extremely alarming.
Facebook and Whatsapp bombards us with posts that have lasting impression on our mind. Feeds have made everyone almost inescapable to their preview. Irrespective of one’s emotional ability of sustain any amount of pain or joy, it just encounters beholders with everything goes around the world. A little amount of time spent scrolling down to the feeds might confuse you emotionally. For an instance, there are posts in which dogs and cats, extravagantly decorated, being cuddled and on the other hand kids are being found feeding on or thrown on the garbage, there are posts of scriptural/devotional inspiration and on the other hand religious fanatics are seen thrashing innocents for the sake of religo-political gains, videos of rich food material being wasted just for some likes or promotion and on the other side poor are seen starving to death, one side someone celebrating his/her birthday and on the other post someone lost dear one in an brutal accident, clips of baby-laughing and on the other hand gory post of ruthless killing, live video of wedding party and on the other hand someone airing their suicide attempt, lecture on a college and on the other hand mass shooting and this goes on. Social media makes all posts look alike, so our brains have difficulty distinguishing between what is vital and what is not. When we scroll through our news feed and see a funny video and then next a post about a killing, our brain does not see these posts as diverse post. We have to remind ourselves that some things on social media are real, disastrous events that need some serious attention. Social media exhibits these things as alike, which over time desensitizes us to the things that really matter. The wide range of social networks is giving us too much disclosure to the happenings. The endless exposure to propaganda, violence, terror, abuse, violence and blood has made many of us numb to the agony, distress and suffering of others. Spending too much time online can prove severely damaging. The young generation is addicted to social media. The internet is beneficial if the user knows how much is too much. It is a necessity in today’s world.
While using it wisely, a lot of benefits can be reaped. In today’s competitive world of technology, news and informative topics are conversed and debated on the virtual landscape. Of late, social media has played an effective role in updating and empowering the common man, augmenting activism and amassing support for an assortment of causes.
According to one report published by the Journal of the Association for Psychological Science state: “If film is a drug, then violent film content might make people “comfortably numb” (borrowing the words of Pink Floyd). Specifically, exposure to blood and gore in the media might make people numb to the pain and suffering of others – a process called desensitization. One negative physiological desensitization is that it may cause people to be less helpful to those in need.” Man is an emotional being. Every action is a result of an emotion; good or bad both. However, excessive exposure of such posts desensitizes one’s emotional quotient. Reactions on the posts have just become a trend nowadays. With no change in countenance whatsoever people react with emojis expressing strong emotions. Fast forward to today’s generation, where plenty of young girls are texting nudes of themselves to the boys. We have become blasé about things around us.
Thus, not only for our health but too much of social media hazardous for our minds as well. I suggest we turn off our mobiles, get on with proper good old-fashioned socializing and remember to be sensible in what we say, write, comment or reveal.
A Few Negative Effects of Social Media;
1. Loss of productivity (debatable)
2. Loss of time
3. Loss of ability to interact in person
4. Loss of relationships
5. Loss of relaxation and leisure
6. Loss of sleep
7. Loss of sensitivity
8. Loss of emotionality
9. Loss of morals
10. Loss of empathy
11. Loss of security
12. Loss of innocence
13. Loss of reasoning
14. Loss of objectivity
15. Excessive exposure to sexuality
16. Excessive exposure to violence
17. Excessive exposure to unwanted adds
18. Pressure for unwanted purchase
19. Immense possibility for crime
20. Encouragement for violence
21. Encouragement for bullying anonymously
22. Encouragement for exhibitionism
23. Encouragement for envy
24. Encouragement for addictions
25. Encouragement for infidelity
Let's turn wise as we use social media and warn our ignorant dear ones.
Let's turn wise as we use social media and warn our ignorant dear ones.
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