
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Sunday 25 December 2016

Christmas' Message of Love, Humility & Equity

1. Jesus' Love in a Culture of Hatred.

Giving of Jesus as the saviour of the world by God the Father is a supreme demonstration of agape love of God for the fallen world. On the earth, amidst the group of folks who hated Him more so as a fierce criminal, Jesus personified this attribute of love. Bible reads in gospel of John 3:16 "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to save humanity" the birth of Jesus is a demonstration of that Agape love of God. Jesus said, "Love your enemy" and this was shown through His own life as He hung on the cross prayed for the ones who put Him there, "Father forgive them".

2. Jesus' Humility in a Culture of Egoism.

Among the self proclaimed, self righteous politicians and religious leaders of the day Jesus being the Prince of the world, begotten Son of the Creator chose to be born as poor baby in the house of a carpenter. With no neonatal care He found no place to lay His head. Instead of palace He chose an unhygienic byre, instead of cradle He chose manger, instead of sophisticated medical assistance He chose mere motherly care. Other than the demonstration of divine meekness and simplicity there seems no logical reason for Jesus to chose this minimal amount of facility for His birth and nurture. This Jesus' attitude of humility calls us for a greater level of realisation of the greatness of God and weakness of men that incorporates the fact of human finitude and futility in this ever boasting human community.

3. Jesus' Equity in a Culture of Inequality.

In a world where capitalism is on trend causing massive inequality diving people based on their class (traditionally caste). Where rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer. Amidst this chaotic and heart wrenching blow of demonisation to masses, that to some seems promising to the issue corruption, Jesus teaches us a lesson of equality. Being a son of a carpenter Jesus lived an average life with no luxuries and identified Himself with downtrodden and marginalised of His day. Jesus fed the hungry, watered the thirsty, healed the sick and defended the helpless. He was known as a friend of sinners and dejected.
As we celebrate Christmas of 2016 let it not come and go like any other year but as Jesus personified love, humility and equality in and through His birth and life, we must become the followers of his footprints by projecting LOVE, HUMILITY and EQUALITY in and through our lives.

Merry Christmas 2016 !!!