
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Tuesday 30 September 2014

A Book Review: The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truth of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language

Kang, C.H. and Nelson, Ethel R., The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truth of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language
Pages 154
ISBN 0570037921
“Who (God) in bygone generations allowed all nations to walk in their own ways, nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness” [Acts 14:16-17]. Indeed, these verses resound again and over again through the reader’s mind when we take Kang’s work into perspectives. This was the product of long laborious endeavor of a man committed to contextualize gospel to Chinese land.  His proof for God of Bible in Chinese Graphology is incontrovertible.

The author Reverend Kang is a native Chinese, who through his hard work discovered the truth many years ago. Ethel R. Nelson is an American missionary who was so intrigued by an earlier publication by C.H. Kang that she urged him to partner with her to go into more detail.

With the help of a flexible publisher and a talented calligrapher, they unfold the history of mankind from creation to the Tower of Babel from this written language that predates the ld Testament. Kang explicitly, through his amazing deconstruction of alphabets and demonstrates that how the elemental chunks of numerous ancient Chinese characters audaciously echo the tales concerned with that of Adam and Eve, institution of marriage, Serpent, the fall, the Great Flood, the Tower of Babel and many other Genesis accounts recorded in the Bible. Through author’s Linguistic analysis of Chinese language character, he claims that the ancient Chinese were of Abraham’s descend. Author believes that earliest Chinese were actually remnant of Babel’s dispersion. And the ancient worshippers in China were actually monotheistic and knew the Abrahamic God of Bible.

A brilliant research and a ground breaking work that is plausible to administer possible bridges for interfaith dialogue amongst adherents of Chinese worldview with that of Biblical. Intriguing!

From a critical look, we also must not forget the historical formation of Chinese characters actually had been under much evolution till its modern widely accepted form. So the modern Chinese reader might find it somewhat inconceivable at times.

Nevertheless, I invincibly recommend this read for couple of reasons; first, because it’s an exotically extraordinary work. A foreigner to Chinese language, like me will find the book understandable because of its excellent sidebar graphics, it’s clear and concise. Second, I believe it will be a great tool for the missionaries to China who are interested in Contextual apologetics. Because book will convince a Chinese that Christianity is not an antipodal belief, instead, a historical reality well embedded in his very own culture and own ancient language. Finally, it’s a fascinating read for every Christian to explore more extended validity of Genesis account on initial humanity, coming from a non-Christian context.

Read Bible, especially Genesis, then read this book. And then you will be surprised! What a great message! 

 Further Reading 


Interesting, especially the claim: "Through author’s Linguistic analysis of Chinese language character, he claims that the ancient Chinese were of Abraham’s descent".