
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Once the city called Bethlehem encountered a great famine. Now, Naomi who was Elimelech's wife suggested whole family to go elsewhere to save their life. They arrived a place called Moab. Which appeared to them as a place to escape famine that had sacked their region. It was spring time when Ruth and Orpah stood on the road leading from Moab, east of the Dead Sea, to Bethlehem in Judea. Naomi their Jewish mother-in-law bade them farewell. She was destitute, her husband and two sons deceased. The boys’ wives were Moabites, foreigners to the people of Israel.

Naomi had nothing to offer them, and suggested they return to their mother’s house, until they could find new husbands. When the girls protested, and said they would follow her, Naomi knew that they could not find acceptance unless they became believers in the One True God of Israel. Ruth made her confession of faith in Jehovah God, but her sister Orpah decided to stay, and turned back.

However, in the time as such this, anyone who is in his/her sanity would chose to do the same. Though the place Bethlehem meant 'house of bread' but at this point, ironically, it had become bread-less. Do as they came there, they had not even settled now and Elimelech passed away. Sooner two sons were also dead for some reason. Now only mother in law, Naomi and two daughter in laws are left, Orpah and Ruth. So being a good mother in law Naomi suggested her daughter in laws to return back to their homelands and start a new life because there were still young. Listing this, Orpah kissed Naomi and made her way towards her home. And Ruth did something remarkable by choosing not to return. And there we learn three spiritual lessons from her life.


When Naomi advised Ruth to return, it's easy to assume why Oprah immediately plan to leave. Because return is always attractive. If she returns, she can marry again, start a new life, and have a new household. It may have appeared irresistible for a while but regardless of its attraction Ruth chose to not to return. What do we learn from her? We all have come to believe in Jesus from different background and walk of life.  In times, our heart may ask us or tempt us to return to old life style, sometimes sinful life. In our spiritual walk also we may see many attractive features keep coming in our mind and heart as we live in this world. But let's say no to such attractiveness. In OT we can find a Classic example of Israelites, who, while walking through the way of wilderness, found Egypt attractive and nagged their leader to lead them back to old place. 


Not only attractive but also seems acceptable. Acceptability has to do with the people around us who souls decide whether something is right or wrong. We find Ruth, while taking this crucial decision, she was along with two people there, Naomi and Oprah. And what they did and talked can make anyone to think that return at that point was pretty acceptable. Everyone around her was there to encourage her to go back. Sometimes we find ourselves in present society that everyone is compelling us to return, leave our faith, leave holy life and go back to old worldly lifestyle. And we see people at of us life Oprah, going back to old lifestyle. Many Christians are backsliding from the faith. Again Israelites come to my mind, almost everyone, except leaders, planned to return. Socially it was acceptable to return to old life, Egypt, very few or no one to encourage to move forward. What we do in the situation as such this? 


Not only attractive and acceptable but also it appeared accessible. Accessibility has much to do with easiness or availability to access what one wants at particular time. For Ruth it was not difficult to deny the proposal. She did not have to put effort to return. Returning was far more accessible and easier for her when compared to her stay back in Moab.  For many of us, who are really living a Christian life, know this fact that living a true Christian life is not that easy instead living a worldly life is easy and always accessible to anyone interested in backsliding. For Israelites, again, it always an open door to go back. Nobody army to stop them except Moses, only person interested in moving forward but he was also reluctant in times. So it was fairly accessible for them, Ruth and Israelites, as it for us today. 

Present world is ever increasing in its attractiveness towards godless life, always accepting and endorsing unbiblical way of life, always making debouched lifestyle easily accessible. Finally, let's not fall alongside Oprah by returning back to our old lives, though it was ok for her at that time, but stay firm in our commitment towards Christ to follow Him and Him alone. Return will always be attractive, acceptable and accessible. 

God bless you as you choose not to RETURN to OLD WAYS !!! 

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