
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Friday, 26 May 2017


Scripture reading: 
Matthew 7:22 KJV[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?[23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Sometimes our heart raises a question that who are these people who say Lord Lord but still unknown to Him. They seem to exercise all the gifts and perform wonders yet couldn't get themselves a recognition from the Lord. Some try to call these people lairs and walk away from this poignant question. On the contrast, apparently, answer might be what Jesus said outright, "their lawlessness". 

Many of us walk and live around people who are in ministry and are known as ministers of God, sometimes, including believers. Thus we happened to know some of them much more closely than others. Consequently, their imperfections sometimes becomes visible to us but not to people at large. 

We, as humans, are quite quick to judge fellow humans. The moment we find someone in err, we react to it either by commenting before them, only if we have ample courage or by backbiting behind them as cowards. Most end up selecting second option.

And we go as far as possible in our thoughts and even to say, that "How can God use someone like him/her?"

Let's admit this here that NO man is perfect BUT GOD. And this goes same even after your salvafic experience and after receiving gifts of Spirit. 

Imperfections are not gonna go away or be cleansed unless and until this body of sin is transformed/glorified. 

After having said that every individual is imperfect, we should also grip the fact that this imperfection vary from person to person, depending in their maturity/commitment in Christ as believers. 

And when I'm saying believers, I don't exempt ministers from this category, they are also humans, yet to be transformed. 
They possess the potential of erring. 

And if someone denies and says " I don't" Bible says, such man is but a Lier. 

Now due to the imperfections some do mistakes unintended and some do blunders uncontrolled. Church at Corinth was such. 

Let's dissect them into three categories; 

  1. Here are the ones that got saved and preserve their salvation by walking a holy life in the guidance of the Holy Spirit daily. Highly dedicated towards the voice of God. Highly sensitive towards an iota of sin. Highly mature and aware of every intended or unintended self-committed err to repent immediately. They examine their lives every moment. They give no/less room to sin. They resist temptation. 
  2. Here are the people who are lukewarm. 50-50 kinda people. They are believers but doesn't take sin seriously. For them idea of perseverance doesn't matter. They deliberately and frequently commit sin and repent as well. They participate in the church and the world simultaneously. They are compromising folks. They don't take doctrine of sanctification seriously. Neither are they sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Of course, they too repent and examine their lives once in a while but that lasts till they are outside of the church compound. They resist sin sometimes but not always. They are Christians but not serious. Yet controlled in some sense as to going as far as third category which is coming shortly. 
  3. Here are the people, known as believers and ministers, who are belligerent and stubborn. They may have lived a good Christian lives initially but are far away from God now. For them the doctrine of sanctification and holiness in life are of no use and seems impractical. They have quenched the Holy Spirit and are away from God's call. They are, of course, found in church as believers and ministry as shepherds but are wolves disguised in sheep skin. They live for Money, power and pleasures. They never repent and stay far from purity. 

All of these groups of people are in your church and may be in your family now and are called together as believers. 

Bible says the gifts of God are irrevocable. God doesn't take His gifts back that He has once given. These people equally exercise their gifts in ministry and benefit and fascinated onlookers. God works through them but may not in them. Such people never change just as a vessel which could be used to measure, mould, hold or transit gold doesn't turn into gold. Or as a vessel used to cater delicious food doesn't turn into the food it's serving. 

In short, God does use the imperfect or impure vessels to get His plan done but it doesn't necessitate the vessels (person) would be preserved or saved unless they get serious about their own lives first. 

So next time you hear about such believer or minister don't fret or begin to negatively criticize them. 

Often times it could be seen that believers murmur when they see a pastor or a speaker that is mightily used in the public but they know such minister personally as someone who is not faithful to God in some way or involved in some grave sins. 

Relatively, some develop resistance or a kind hatred towards the gifts of the Holy Spirit just because they saw some believers or pastors who have either offended them in some way or not perfect themselves but are using those gifts powerfully. 

And there are others who think if they listen preachings or get prayed from such imperfect ministers they won't get benefited. 

It's completely wrong assumption. 

God from the beginning works through human agency. He uses imperfect people to help you and me. 
Bible is rich with examples of such men. Who were gravely imperfect but were dynamically used by God, however, whether they are saved or not we better leave that in God's part. 

Let's not forget that God used Samson till his last breath yet we don't know about his end fate.
Let's leave every matter of judgment and negative criticism at God's hand and start looking forward to concentrate more on our own lives to make it more purer and cleaner than the past moment, thus preparing ourselves for Lord's return to find HIS recognition. 

God bless!!!!

Monday, 22 May 2017


Generation of Facebook 

Postmodern generation 
Poisoned with Facebook

Abandoning real 
Caught in virtual hook

Putting an end to street games
Sitting before display liking feeds on Loop 

Sliding screens day and night 
Lost the days of marbles, Comic & adventurous book

Unseen to friends in front
Sea afar searching peer Group

Thousands in the friend list 
No one when for a need you look 

Hungry for comments and likes 
Obsessed with fashion & look

Child, adult & Old alike 
Found drinking from its brook 

Memes are current trend 
Ceased reading real book

Forgetting relations alive 
Dating online sitting aloof  

Losing sleep, health and future 
Folks are unable to unhook 

Bombarded with the posts
Who’ve got time to look

Post, like, comment, share 
Feeds of unending troops 

Spending every click of watch 
Wondering of time & questioning who took?

Deliverance lies in the cupboard  
Dusty, untouched; the God’s book 

Who gonna save this generation 
From this fake book?

Image Source:


Desensitization, in general, refers to lessened/no emotional response to aversive stimuli. 

A recent study performed by the University of Michigan discovered that college students are 40 percent less empathetic than the students thirty years ago. And this to me is extremely alarming.
Facebook and Whatsapp bombards us with posts that have lasting impression on our mind. Feeds have made everyone almost inescapable to their preview. Irrespective of one’s emotional ability of sustain any amount of pain or joy, it just encounters beholders with everything goes around the world. A little amount of time spent scrolling down to the feeds might confuse you emotionally. For an instance, there are posts in which dogs and cats, extravagantly decorated,  being cuddled and on the other hand kids are being found feeding on or thrown on the garbage, there are posts of scriptural/devotional inspiration and on the other hand religious fanatics are seen thrashing innocents for the sake of religo-political gains, videos of rich food material being wasted just for some likes or promotion and on the other side poor are seen starving to death, one side someone celebrating his/her birthday and on the other post someone lost dear one in an brutal accident, clips of baby-laughing and on the other hand gory post of ruthless killing, live video of wedding party and on the other hand someone airing their suicide attempt, lecture on a college and on the other hand mass shooting and this goes on. Social media makes all posts look alike, so our brains have difficulty distinguishing between what is vital and what is not. When we scroll through our news feed and see a funny video and then next a post about a killing, our brain does not see these posts as diverse post. We have to remind ourselves that some things on social media are real, disastrous events that need some serious attention. Social media exhibits these things as alike, which over time desensitizes us to the things that really matter. The wide range of social networks is giving us too much disclosure to the happenings. The endless exposure to propaganda, violence, terror, abuse, violence and blood has made many of us numb to the agony, distress and suffering of others. Spending too much time online can prove severely damaging. The young generation is addicted to social media. The internet is beneficial if the user knows how much is too much. It is a necessity in today’s world. 

While using it wisely, a lot of benefits can be reaped. In today’s competitive world of technology, news and informative topics are conversed and debated on the virtual landscape. Of late, social media has played an effective role in updating and empowering the common man, augmenting activism and amassing support for an assortment of causes. 

According to one report published by the Journal of the Association for Psychological Science state: “If film is a drug, then violent film content might make people “comfortably numb” (borrowing the words of Pink Floyd). Specifically, exposure to blood and gore in the media might make people numb to the pain and suffering of others – a process called desensitization. One negative physiological desensitization is that it may cause people to be less helpful to those in need.” Man is an emotional being. Every action is a result of an emotion; good or bad both. However, excessive exposure of such posts desensitizes one’s emotional quotient. Reactions on the posts have just become a trend nowadays.  With no change in countenance whatsoever people react with emojis expressing strong emotions. Fast forward to today’s generation, where plenty of young girls are texting nudes of themselves to the boys. We have become blasé about things around us.

Thus, not only for our health but too much of social media hazardous for our minds as well. I suggest we turn off our mobiles, get on with proper good old-fashioned socializing and remember to be sensible in what we say, write, comment or reveal. 

A Few Negative Effects of Social Media;

1. Loss of productivity (debatable)
2. Loss of time
3. Loss of ability to interact in person
4. Loss of relationships 
5. Loss of relaxation and leisure 
6. Loss of sleep
7. Loss of sensitivity 
8. Loss of emotionality 
9. Loss of morals 
10. Loss of empathy 
11. Loss of security 
12. Loss of innocence
13. Loss of reasoning 
14. Loss of objectivity 
15. Excessive exposure to sexuality
16. Excessive exposure to violence 
17. Excessive exposure to unwanted adds
18. Pressure for unwanted purchase  
19. Immense possibility for crime 
20. Encouragement for violence 
21. Encouragement for bullying anonymously 
22. Encouragement for exhibitionism 
23. Encouragement for envy 
24. Encouragement for addictions 
25. Encouragement for infidelity 

Let's turn wise as we use social media and warn our ignorant dear ones. 

Image Source:

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


I, of course, didn't like what it has done to over 150 countries across the globe but I like this name 'Ransomware' it has shook the software/computer world for past 4 days and occupied the headlines of almost all the newspapers and social media. However, its not new way of extortion it had been happening for a long time in India and everywhere but people were ashamed to come out publically and confess that they have been hacked and they paid to be released. But this time it was so massive that it couldn’t be kept hidden. This time it’s so huge that it’s causing almost 4 Billion Dollars of loss. Even if some don’t pay, the loss of productivity, cost of conducting forensic investigations, data restoration, waste of time etc is already there. This reveals how insecure and vulnerable our high tech world is. 

This is a reality today and teaches us a potent lesson as believers. We all are like super computer systems fashioned by the Great Designer, God, to function according to His will. Sadly, Satan (Hacker), through sin (Ransomware) infected Adam and Eve with this virus.

Why this name 'Ransomware'? 

It's because, once the virus enters a system, it takes thorough control over the admin and demand a 'Ransom' (money to be paid) to get away from the system and to give the control back to the owner. Or else it destroys the whole data in the system.

To a believer it should sound like an already heard old story. Yeah, it’s the story of the Bible, about Sin and its penalty. Man did mistake and God paid for it through His Son Jesus Christ.

Sin is almost like a Ransomware virus. When sin enters a man it takes whole control over him and can't leave until the Ransom is paid. And the system of Adam was hacked by an ancient hacker called Satan and infused this virus. And the Ransom was death.

Matthew 20:28 KJV
[28] Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

So the inventor of this super system, the God, in order to save mankind planned to pay the ransom. He sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate ransom for our sins so that we will be freed entirely from the sin and can get the control back. 

But after paying the ransom we can't keep the control to ourselves because this deadly virus can outbreak again. Therefore, now the control should be given to the master creator and the saviour who paid the ransom for you and me. Now He’s got to be the Admin of our system. Since He paid the ransom now He is the author and the operator of this systems.

Once we are in His control no virus can intrude us. Jesus: No one can snatch my sheep's from my hands and from my Father's hands. (John 10: 28-30). Only if sheep remains in His hands.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" said John Acton.

Today, the world is running after power and control, in effect, killing themselves in the same power. But Jesus is asking the same power to save you from self-destruction. 

Are you willing to give your control to Him? If so, do it now.

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Saturday, 13 May 2017


Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the person, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents Day. 

In India it's celebrated on 14th May, interestingly enough, which is also my mother's birthday.

Below is a poem that is dedicated to every mother.

The day I was born
For once she smiled at my cry
Thence at my single shriek
Mother rolled tears, gave smile no second try

Every step of crawl
Was the matter of joy
Mother's heart ached at every outing
When I waved hands, saying, bye bye

Night is gone half
Singing lullaby slow
Mother had no sleep
Rocking me to and fro

I grew older
Mother was my guide
Had nothing to bother
She stood always by my side

From dad’s spanking
To the scold of teacher
Though it be a dark shadow 
Found Warmth in Mother

Crash of bicycle
Injuries on every side
Or fighting with neighbors
Mother stood always by my side

As a child had small illness
She nursed with care
Dawn was at the door
But Mother didn’t tire 

Feeding child well
She goes hunger
Gave up on her needs
It’s but the Mother

Using broom, roller, sandal at err
Hitting with everything, here & there
Later, comes with food baked in love
It’s but the Mother

Heavy Rain drops 
Or the December’s cold
Summers’ scorching heat
Calmed in Mother's hold

Get me KFC, McDowell
Taste of Hyderbadi flavour
Nothing matches home
There's the Mother

I see Aesthetic of Taj
Or Magnanimity of Bhurj tower
Nothing replaces home
There's is the Mother

A place to hide or share
In the stormy weather
Had a bad day in life?
Refreshing anew the arms of Mother

Her joy is not in the park
Roaming Market or visiting theatre
She overwhelms with joy
When her child calls her Mother

With all child’s inability
Weakness and failure
Someone’s love never changes for you
It’s but the Mother

Masking every hurt
In the face of a gentle mother
Never sharing her own agony
It’s but the Mother

Day is quite busy
Friends, work everywhere
Waiting for just a call from child
It’s but the Mother

Mother's labors go unseen
With no or little praise
She painstakingly works day and night
Until the end of her days 

Forfeited comfort
Infusing my day with color
She almost lost her life
It’s but the Mother

At school you are teacher
In home you are keeper
With children you are Mother
Wonder!! Do you stop ever?

Day hangouts
And night get-together
Someone awaits back in home
It’s but the Mother

God is greatest; creator of all
They say before God there’s no other
If I have a chance to say
Yet, after God is the Mother

Always wishing best for her children
If someone’s lips never cease in prayer
Pleading God for a family’s safety
It’s but the Mother

Children grow, get busy with job
And tent a family newer
Never disremember your parent
There’s a waiting Mother 

Surrendered herself at the altar of motherhood
To see child grow safe and greater
What do you’ve got to return?
For a love undubious beyond measure  

Love your mother,
Coz you won't find another 

Share this with your mother and let her know your love for her.

Happy Mother's Day and stay blessed!!!

Image Source:

Serving Sacred vs. Secular vs. Self

Doubtlessly, everyone that is, is in the service of some sort. There are mainly three zones where each one of us are recruited. Below are the brief analysis of these three zones.

SACRED: There are people who are called priests, pastors, evangelists, and teachers or, to say, ministers in totality, who have left their comfort zone, family, friends, profession or an offer of a secure future only to serve God with everything they own. 

They acknowledged the call of God and realized the indispensability to be in the mission field. This realization, first, requires commitment towards and faith in God, second, burning compassion towards perishing souls. They could have been anything but not minister though. Anyone looking to be well settled in any form, ministry is the last option that any sane person would like to choose without the intense call from God. For anyone, with a small degree, skill or technicality, it’s possible to make more living than today’s an average Christian minster. Despite their exceptional degree/profession/skill which would have brought them the best that world can offer today, many have walked away from such offers and deliberately chose to serve the Lord in different measures. They completely depend on God for everything they need. They fight the daily battle of life by faith with an armor called prayer.

SOCIAL/SECULAR: Then there are others who work for secular/social cause; like working with Good Samaritan organizations or NGOs etc. They are the people who see the agony of the world more than their own selfishly driven desires for fleshly fulfillment. They are comparatively more sensitive towards pain of fellow human being or animal. They are the ones who are working with lepers with immense amount of vulnerability, mental patients with much patience, abhorrently wounded or injured with hiding their hesitance for the same, orphan children with enormous love and care, trafficking with an unease that humanity has undergone, prisoners and prostitutes with equal jeopardy but an empathetic heart, eco-care with concern for the earth and the future generation, animal care with an heart of compassionate human and many more such noble causes. The volume of compassion, empathy, courage, love that is required for such works is little/much more than that which is required for making a simple prayer, donation or like, share in a FB/WA post and is undoubtedly rare in our times. In some cases, they get paid for this and most do it voluntarily with little or no support support.   

SELF: Then there are people who work for self. They are obsessed with self. They study well (sometimes bribe), get good job, make extravagant money and spend all on themselves. They might sometimes behave philanthropically but it’s only to get tax exemptions or for display of own name but never ample and always selfishly driven. They are capitalist in nature, reaching no heights, amassing no amount of money, buying no amount of swag is ever enough and their competition mindedness is driven by greed, pride, and jealousy which are wickedly insatiable. 

These people live to serve neither God nor humanity but themselves. This is, in fact, the root to many a problem in our world today. They depend on their own strength and money.

In short, we can’t, of course, deny that there are invaders, who have entered sacred or secular/social realm with unethical motives; however, no field is without exception though. There are others who earn money and support ministers. Evidently, there are more today who know Christ run some of the biggest humanitarian works across globe.  

"I would rather serve the King of this world, my God, than to serve the world as a king (emphasis added)" so said the renowned evangelist Billy Graham when he was asked to become president of U.S. 

Serving God is a privilege and the suffering but not without divine joy that comes along is incomparable. I, personally know a few who have renounced the highest posts and huge pay are in the ministry today. 

Serving God, indirectly, is service of humanity as well because the best you can ever find as human is not food, shelter or cloths but Salvation of Soul. This sharing of the message of salvation is only possible through a gospel carrier or a minister. 

Moreover, the greater part of the work of a minster is not just pulpit preaching but also acting as a good Samaritan to a person in need, though be it financial, emotional or spiritual. 

Thursday, 11 May 2017


Thought of mine always flying
Whether it's time of rest or dine
But what shall I do I have no time,

I get closer to my feeling
When I sit down and start thinking,

I have got much to do in my student life
More than that I've got to do in my personal life,

I struggle day and night in my thought
But no time to let it out,

Saji sir has given 50 verses to remember
Dinesh sir has taught us to spend time in prayer,

Jose sir is waiting to listen my preaching
Samson sir is ready with lexicon-filled teaching,

Who has got the time to pen further lining..???

Source: Penned by blogger in 2010


Just only an attraction
When eyes get connection
Hearts are filled with affection
Deeply struck by seduction  
Lovers want warm relation

Some days passed with this section
Then he looked for another connection
with new piece of selection

One is left with tension

Smashing all emotion
Suppressing all passion
Crushing all devotion
Feeling of exasperation

Then realized it was a wrong decision
Some days passed in this position
After a few days she also got a new connection

Forgot last misconnection
Stapled heart’s fraction
Shamelessly ready for one more connection

This is the boring story of worldly love game
Everything is but vain, vain and vain

Source: Penned by blogger in 2011

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Anthropology: Biblical Studies

I.                   Introduction
·         Theological Anthropology should be distinguished from Anthropology in general or the science of mankind. Where the latter concern themselves with the origin and history of humankind, with the physiological structure and the psychical characteristics of human being in general and of the various races of mankind in particular, with their ethnological, linguistic, cultural and religious development, and so on, the former is concerned only with what the Bible says respecting man and the relation in which he stands and should stand to God.
·         The transition from Theology proper to Anthropology is a natural one because Human beings are the crown of God’s creation and also the object of God’s special care.
·         Doctrine of humanity has always been the implicit center of Christian faith, not only because it is human beings who “have” Christian faith and who reflect on its meaning in theology, but also because Christian faith focuses on the man Jesus who is the Christ.
·         It is the human beings who receive the revelation of God, understand themselves as creatures and as sinners who have been redeemed by God.
·         Theology deals with the nature of humanity in relation to the question of its ultimate origin, meaning, and destiny, that is, in relation to God, and not just its phenomenal structure as organic and psychic being. This is why it is the revelation of God and not the human sciences which are decisive for the doctrine of humanity.
·         It is only when God is reveled as lord, creator and savior that we know that we are creatures, sinners, and redeemed.
·         Doctrine of humanity has been the subject of explicit debate down through the centuries, yet in the 19th century with the discoveries of Darwin and Freud there is a revolution in the understanding of humanity, which the church is still assimilating.
·         It was at the heart of the liberal theology of the last century under the influence of Schleiermacher’s concentration on the Christian religious consciousness.
·         The famous debate between Barth and Brunner in the 1930s centered about the concept of the imago dei and the point of contact in humanity for revelation.
·         Bultmann with his use of existential philosophy has once again made the doctrine of humanity central theme of theology. For him mythological statements of the New Testament are assertions about human existence which can best be interpreted by means of the philosophy of Heidegger.
·         Bonhoeffer and his followers however assert that the existentialist understanding of humanity corresponds to a religious stage, which has now been superseded. Humanity has come of age and is able to deal with all its problems, including anxiety and guilt, apart from God. This has led to a renewed emphasis upon the dignity of humanity.
·         Karl Rahner the Roman Catholic theologians developed a unique approach to the doctrine of humanity. Beginning with an analysis of human knowledge they argue that all conscious activity involves both self-knowledge and also an openness to all of reality, to being as such. This means that the human knower is involved with an infinite horizon in an awareness, which is called transcendental experience. It is this transcendental experience, which constitutes humanity as subject, person and spirit. This is a particular form of the fairly common modern theological idea that humanity is constituted by its relation to God.
·         Feminist theologians have argued that throughout Christian history the understanding of humanity has been seen from the point of view of male experience, interests and concerns, and has thus neglected half the human race. Human nature has been understood from the perspective of male stereotypes of what is natural, virtuous and sinful and therefore has been seriously distorted.

II.                Origin of Human Being
·         Every thoughtful person is confronted with the question of his/her origin i.e. the origin of one’s being, one’s personality etc…
·         In the modern times, the Scriptural belief on creation narratives has not gone unchallenged.
·         The theory of evolution propounded by Charles Darwin as a scientific theory has questioned the authenticity of the account of creation especially of human being in the book of Genesis.

·         The theory of Evolution
  1. Darwin tried to prove that human being evolved from the lower strata of simple life through a long process of development over million of years. For example tadpole, bat (mammals but fly), flying fish, monkeys drop their tail to lead to the apes stage and from apes human beings seems to have emerged from quadruped to biped living creatures.
  2. Evolution just does not mean change. It is the theory that new types arise from preceding types, the more complex forms appearing as the descendents of the simpler ones, so that all living things bear a relationship to one another, is called the theory of organic evolution.
  3. The theory of evolution is a complex idea. It states that all living things are related to one another because all came from the same common ancestor far back in geological times. It states that new species arose from preceding species of plants and animals that were simpler, that this has been happening since plants and animals first existed on this earth, and that it is still going on.
  4. The various arguments put forth by the evolutionists are:
Ø  Comparative Anatomy: This is the argument for the structural similarity between man and the higher animals. This according to them is proof enough for evolution. However, Gerd Theissen asks, “if man and animals partake of the same food, same air, and have the same environment as other creatures, should not the lungs, digestive tract, skin, eyes and so forth, be similar?” According to him “similarity in anatomy suggests a common creator, not one creature springing from another. Two symphonies by one composer might be expected to have some marked similarities.” According to Louis Berkhof, “it can very well be accounted for by the assumption that God in creating the animal world made certain typical forms basic throughout, so as to have unity in variety, just as a great musician builds up his mighty composition on a single theme, which is repeated time and again, and at each repetition introduces new variations.
Ø  Vestigial Organs/ Rudimentary Organs: Organs like tonsils, appendix, and thymus gland, which, according to the evolutionist, were useful to our supposedly more primitive ancestors, have now in human being have actually become useless. Of late, however, the scientists are recognizing the usefulness of the organs also.
Ø  Embryology: The argument here is that the human fetus develops through various stages which are parallel to the alleged evolutionary process, from a one-celled organism to an adult species, but a closer study of the human embryo has revealed that there are dissimilarities in the chronology of the evolutionary process as propounded by the evolutionists. For example: the earthworm which has circulation, but no heart suggests that it should be circulation first and heart later even in human beings, but the reverse is actually true to human beings. It is the heart first and then the circulation
Ø  Bio-Chemistry and the Blood tests: All living organisms are of a similar bio-chemical makeup. Though originally there were some likeness but they did not any way prove their genetic relationship. For the tests actually the sterile drum which contains no living matter, was uses, while it is an established fact that the solid portion of the blood, containing the red and white cells, is the carrier of hereditary factors. Later tests, in which the spectroscope was called into use and the entire blood was examined, conclusively proved that there is an essential difference between the blood of animals and that of man.
Ø  Paleontology: According to this argument, evidence for various kinds of life in the form of fossils is found in the various rock strata, which actually are ancient probably belonging to the Stone Age millions of years ago. Fossils are remains – imprints, traces petrified or actual forms – of ancient plants or animals preserved through the ages in rocks, tar pits, or frozen tundra. While strata of rocks are often upturned twisted and contorted from their original layered appearance, scientists have been able to arrange them in the order in which they were deposited and thus to form the geologic timetable, which reveals the order of development of evolution, of plants and animals.” The evolutionists however fail to account for the intermediate forms, which would have been in existence at some point of time. They were however not able to find this missing links any more than the thousands of missing link between the various species of animals.
Ø  Genetics: This is the study of heredity and variations among related organisms. Even here evolution has failed to authentically prove that we belong to the lineage of beasts. Though mutation is fact but the trans-mutation is now considered to be impossibility.
  1. The evolutionist says that all of the living forms found today have been produced from one common ancestor. Thus Darwin’s theory though is an attempt to explain the development of life, yet it does not explain how life came into existence and how consciousness evolved.
  2. Though claims of a certain amount of change in the past can be accepted, but there is no convincing evidence to support the theory that there has been this much change.
  3. Moreover, according to the laws of thermodynamics everything that exists is some form of energy. This energy is a constant, i.e. it does not increase or decrease in its quantity. So no one can create anything new. It also maintains that the second law of thermodynamics shows that no one can change to another more complex form of life, for the change is always from the complex to the simple and from order to disorder.
  4. Thus the theory of Evolution is found replete with inconsistencies. Natural science therefore is compelled to acknowledge an intelligent will and purpose at work in the act of creation.
  5. There are however, Theistic evolutionists teach that human being are evolved from a lower form
  6. Some evolutionists suggest that the human body developed through a long evolutionary process, but God broke into the process and directly created the soul, bringing man into being.
  7. There are some others who suggest that Adam was one among many contemporaries and that God conferred his image on Adam’s collaterals as well as on Adam; thus Adam’s federal headship extended to his contemporaries as well as to his offspring.

·          Scriptural account of the creation of Human Beings
  1. Scripture offers us a two fold account of the creation of human beings, the one in Gen. 1:26,27, and the other in Gen. 2:7,21-23.
  2. Higher criticism is of the opinion that the writer of Genesis pieced together two creation narratives, the first found in Gen.1:1 – 2:3, and the second in Gen. 2:4-25; and that these two are independent and contradictory.
  3. Berkhof however is of the view, that the first narrative contains the account of the creation of all things in the order in which it occurred, while the second groups things in their relation to human being, without implying anything respecting the chronological order of man’s appearance in the creative work of God, and clearly indicates that everything preceding it served to prepare a fit habitation for human being as the ruler of creation. It shows us how human beings are situated in God’s creation, surrounded by the vegetable and animal world, and how he began his history.
  4. Certain particular where the creation of human being stands out in distinction from that of other living beings:
Ø  The creation of human being was in the strictest sense of the word an immediate act of God
Ø  In distinction from the lower creatures’ human being were created after a divine type i.e. in the divine image.
Ø  The two different elements of human nature are clearly distinguished. In Gen. 2:7 a clear distinction is made between the origin of the body and that of the soul. The body was formed out of the dust of the ground; in the production of it God made use of pre-existing material. The soul of man was a new production of God. The two elements are the body and the breath or spirit of life breathed into it by God, and by the combination of the two, human being became “a living soul,” which means in this connection simply “a living being.” Ecl. 12:7; Mat 10:28; Luke 8:55; II Cor. 5:1-8; Phil. 1:22-24; Heb. 12:9. etc. 1 Thess. 5:23 however, recognize soul as another constituent part of human being. The belief in this third constituent part of human being is to express the belief that death is not the end. It is not non-existence but we continue to live though without the physical body.

III.             The Image of God
·         The imago Dei, image of God in human being, is first mentioned in Scripture in connection of their creation on the sixth and final day of creation. “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them...” (Genesis 1:27,28). Some think it merely consists in dominion over the creatures, but such an interpretation is severely restrictive. It is far more than that. Human being in the image of God; what does this mean in practical terms? It cannot refer to bodily, biological form since God is a Spirit and human being is earthly.
·         The main impact of the image is that God endues man with some of his divine attributes, thereby separating and making him different from the beasts.
·         God is creator, the great planner of the universe. He brought his plan to a triumphant conclusion when he saw everything that he had made and pronounced it good. God made man and woman a ‘them’; ‘male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number’ (Genesis 1:27-28). So God has given to men and women the ability to procreate new beings in his image, little humans with bodies and minds.
·         We have an insatiable desire to be creative, an urge increasingly emphasized (perhaps overemphasized) in schools, and recognized even by business management. An industrialist writes, ‘There is more stability among garage mechanics, to whom every repair job is different, who meets the customer, who sees the job through, who has the satisfaction of putting the car on the road again, than there is in the motor production line where the whole job has been deskilled and where the machine, in the form of the line, dominates the man who does nothing but turn a nut with a spanner every hour of every day of every week of every year’.
·         Animals are not creative. They endlessly reproduce a stereotyped design. A particular spider constructs a web of constant pattern. The song of a bird is species specific, or mimicry of another bird or human. No originality is demonstrated.
·         Man alone can reason and act upon his original thoughts. John Steinbeck puts it this way: ‘The last clear function of man-muscles aching to work, minds aching to create beyond the single need—that is man. To build a wall, to build a house, a dam, and in the wall and house and dam to put something of Manself, and to Manself take back something of the wall, the house, the dam: to take hard muscles from the lifting, to take the clear lines and form from the conceiving. For man, unlike anything organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments … . And this you can know—fear the time when Manself will not suffer and die for a concept, for this one quality is the foundation of Manself, and this one quality is man, distinctive in the universe.’ Scientists would agree. They consider the ability to use tools and tame fire the hallmark of Homo sapiens.
·         Adam was created only a little lower than God (Psalm 8:5), as a free spiritual being. A responsible moral agent with a thinking mind and powers of choice and action, able to commune with God and respond to him, he could love and worship God—or if not, as he chose. Man could rebel against God. And the tragedy for the human race is that Adam and his wife, tempted by the serpent, did just that. Man, with such a golden start, used his freedom to turn against his Creator.
·         Man now misinterprets freedom as independence. Satan’s lie was to trick man into believing that to be independent of God was to be ‘free’. But there is no such thing as freedom. We are all slaves, either to Christ or to Satan.
·         Since the Fall, man remains a free agent in the sense that his decisions and conduct proceed from his inner character and not from external constraint. But because his very nature is now sinful, his decisions and acts are sinful too. When we do a wrong it is because we have been tempted by our evil desire, ‘and desire, when it is conceived gives is birth to sin’ (James 1:14-15). Our best good is defective in the sight of God. Even our righteous deeds are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), for a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit (Matthew 7:18). No wonder that Paul cried out, ‘I know that nothing good lives in me, that is in my sinful nature. For I have a desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out … .What a wretched man I am. Who will rescue me from this body of death?’(Romans 7:18-19; 24)
·         Man desperately desires freedom. But often he seeks it in the wrong place. The proliferation of new nations in Africa followed the desire to be free from the yoke of colonialism. But one tyranny has often been exchanged for another. University students in the seventies thought freedom came from chanting four-letter words through a megaphone. In the eighties they seek transient freedom through alcohol and drugs. Civil liberty campaigners demand freedom from censorship, easier divorce, woman’s rights, gay liberation and the like.
·         Only Christ can set men and women free: ‘It is for freedom that Christ has set us free’ (Galatians 5:1) (John 8:16). In this verse the combination of the noun and verb stresses the completeness of what has been done—free once and for all time. Vine comments, ‘The phraseology is that of a manumission (freeing) from slavery, which among the Greeks was effected by a legal fiction, according to which the manumitted slave was purchased by a god. As the slave could not provide the money, the master paid it into the temple Treasury in the presence of the slave, a document being drawn up containing the words ‘for freedom’. No one could enslave him again. He was the property of the god’. So Paul was able to call him ‘the Lord’s freeman’ (1 Corinthians 7:22; 9:1). Recently I saw a poignant car sticker, ‘Why does freedom cost so much?’ The cost was nothing less than the death of the Son of God. No wonder Peter says, ‘You, my brothers were called to be free, but do not use your freedom to indulge your sinful nature’ (1 Peter 2:16).
·         Modern man has got it all wrong. Freedom is liberty, not libertinism. We are called ‘into the glorious liberty of the children of God’ (Romans 8:2). Adam was created free but became enslaved to sin. All men and women since have been in bondage. Christ came to set men free, ‘Whose service is perfect freedom’. The yearning for freedom is part of the image. It remains unsatisfied unless the slave is redeemed by Christ.
·         Therefore, the image of God in man is basically moral and spiritual: this is indicated in Colossians 3:10, "And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him." In conjunction we may add Ephesians 4:24, "And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness."
·         As originally created, man was endowed with knowledge, righteousness and holiness. By his sin man was deprived of these virtues, but through Christ he is renewed and restored to his pristine glory, nay more than that.
·         To confirm this definition of the image, I point out that Adam, after the fall, is said to have had children after his image, meaning, that he had sinful offspring, just as he was sinful. So the image of God in man is essentially man being a reflection of God in his spiritually pure character.

·         The Fall diminished God’s image, not only in Adam and Eve, but in all their descendants, the whole human race. We retain the image structurally, in the sense that we remain human beings, but not functionally, for we are now slaved to sin, unable to use our powers to mirror God’s holiness. Regeneration begins the process of restoring God’s moral image in our lives. But not until we are fully sanctified and glorified shall we reflect God perfectly in thought and action as we were made to do and as the incarnate Son of God in His humanity actually did (John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 8:29,46)

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