
Love in the Supreme Ethics

Saturday 14 February 2015

Book Review: When the Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties

Book Review: When the Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties

Authors: Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe
Year: First Edition 1992 by Baker Books
Pages: 600      
ISBN 0-8010-1142-6

Dr. Norman Geisler has written many apologetical books and is a well known scholar and an apologist.  He has a Ph.D. from Loyola University and is Dean of the Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Thomas Howe is an expert in Biblical Languages at the same institution.

In the Preface, Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe support biblical inerrancy by stating that: "The Bible has withstood the criticisms of the greatest skeptics, agnostics, and atheists down through the centuries, and it is able to withstand the feeble efforts of unbelieving critics today." The entire book is an endeavor to proves the same.

They have divided the exhaustive 600 page book into chapters, given to each book of the Bible. With over 800 plus questions, the book also has 3 indices for an immediate and effortless reference. Complex passages or seemingly conflicting passages are discussed, the problem defined, and a clarification given. In the opening chapter they take the observation that the Bible is inerrant since scriptures state that the word of God was given to men to record through inspiration and supervision by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when troubles come up with interpretation of certain passages, the dilemma lies in context and interpretation, not that the Word is flawed. They have dealt with every book in order, right from Genesis to Revelation.
It offers an excellent resource to counter objections that frequently float up when it comes to alleged Bible inconsistency or fault. I thought the book was well laid out and logical to follow in terms of presentation. I thought that many of the explanations were ample, some were wonderful, a few others seemed to fall a bit short.

While I may not agree with all of the author's conclusions and at the same time many other crucial and controversial passages are skipped. Although they have not covered every single complicated passage with very thorough explanations, I have found the authors' exegesis to be incredibly sound. They reflect on the vital aspects to interpreting a passage, particularly the text's context and historical circumstances. I do assert that this book is not meant to be an all-inclusive overview of Bible difficulties.
However, the language that is used is a very simple layman's style.  If anyone is looking for a high-quality reference book to counter seemingly biblical "contradictions" then this is the book. I discover this book to be of incredible worth in interpreting the scriptures.

At the end I would highly endorse this book for all sorts of readers for couple reasons. First, it’s an amazing book on Bible difficulties for learners and critics both, which give answers to all the key questions, commonly raised. Second, it can also be used as a companion to bible, as a quick commentary. Third, it will also be a great support to strengthen spiritual life of any new believer. Fourth, this is an excellent book on apologetics (basic) so this book will be a "must reading" for anyone who even has a bit of interested in Christian apologetics.


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